Corns & Calluses


What are corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are a thick hardened layers of skin that are formed from your skin trying to protect itself from friction against the skin. Corns and calluses are not the same. Corns are smaller and have a hard center. Corns develop on the top and side of your toe. Calluses are larger and develop on the soles of the feet.


Corns and calluses are caused by pressure and friction against the skin. Some of the ways this can happen is:

Wearing tight shoes

Not wearing socks with your shoes


Symptoms include: Thick or rough area of the skin; a harden bump; flaky, waxy or dry skin; tenderness or pain under the skin.


Corns and calluses are the most common treatment performed by Doctors of Podiatric Medicine.

They need to be treated because they do not go away on their own. If untreated, the body will see the corn or callus as a foreign object and develop an ulcer or infection.

You can book your appointment on our website or call us at (613) 424-9339.

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Doctors of Podiatric Medicine

for total relief of your foot pain and bad conditions.
At Orleans Dynamic Foot Clinic, we use the latest technology to offer simple and effective solutions for foot-related problems and we make sure that our patients are in the hands of the most trusted foot specialists in the



Corns & Calluses

What are corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are a thick hardened layers of skin that are formed from your skin trying to protect itself from friction against the skin. Corns and calluses are not the same. Corns are smaller and have a hard center. Corns develop on the top and side of your toe. Calluses are larger and develop on the soles of the feet.


Corns and calluses are caused by pressure and friction against the skin. Some of the ways this can happen is:

Wearing tight shoes

Not wearing socks with your shoes


Symptoms include: Thick or rough area of the skin; a harden bump; flaky, waxy or dry skin; tenderness or pain under the skin.


Corns and calluses are the most common treatment performed by Doctors of Podiatric Medicine. They need to be treated because they do not go away on their own. If untreated, the body will see the corn or callus as a foreign object and develop an ulcer or infection.

You can book your appointment on our website or call us at (613) 424-9339.

Book an appointment

Your feet make you suffer? Schedule a consultation with our

Doctors of Podiatric Medicine

for total relief of your foot pain and bad conditions.